martes, agosto 23, 2011

I think I should start with some travel advice, or tourist guide to Perth.

Today we start with MUSEUMS!

Next to the Perth Underground train station there are two of them, very close one to another, and the zone they are in is also beautiful and worth to take a while to see. (Specially the wetlands next to the art gallery), but lets start with it:
- Western Australia Museum
Not big, and very traditional museum, with a lot of animals and bones, couple of dinosaur models and an aboriginal exhibition that made me sick, but apart from that, the museum is well cared and nice for spending one hour or so.
- Art Museum.
I did not expect a lot from this, given that the farther they go back in history is 1860, and most of the stuff is this new thing they like to call art but is just a line in a paper. That is why it was a pleasant surprise to find two Rodins inside, and beautiful ones too. Also, some etchings from Goya (this was clearly the biggest surprise here), and some very beutiful aboriginal painting mixed up with the horrible modern art that was everywhere. Still it is worth coming and see the nice stuff.

Both museums work in a donations basis, you do not have to pay to enter, exactly the same as the British Museum in London, which is very nice of them.

2 comentarios:

Víctor dijo...

¡Plagio! ¡Plagio! xDDD

Orion dijo...

Plagio? ¿quien hace recomendaciones para viajes desde hace siglos, tu o yo?.. vamos, que tienes razón, que alguien plagia aquí XPPPP
Además, me da vergüenza decir desde cuando está escrito este post... milenios XD