lunes, agosto 08, 2011

The End.

This damned series have come to an end, and I was so devastated after going to the cinema that began to wonder if it was worth it. Long years have passed since the insistence of a friend made me start reading them. I was 15 years old, the 4th book was new and you could only find it in english yet. I was reluctant because the ubicuous "Wizard and Witch" stuff was all over the place (and I hate witch as a female version of wizard, which is NOT, at least, not nowadays) and the channeling of magic with a wand seemed lame to me.
However, I read them. And they really have defined an era, not because of their quality, but because the fans made it so. We did fanfics, fanarts, disscussed the future of the books and argued about what was going to happen, ended up having better endings for the series than the author and had fun dilucidating who R.A.B. was (well, that was pretty easy, now I come to think of it). We also protected Severus from those who did not get what was happening all along the 3 last books ¬¬.
Because, I will forever think this book is not about the kids, Severus Snape stole it halfway trought the books. And my opinion is NOT biased XD.

This has been fun to read... but it was more fun to ramble about it, and I will miss the discussions and the strenght of the fandom.

4 comentarios:

Víctor dijo...

You can still call other people "muggle" xD

Orion dijo...

hahahah That was SOO worth it, no matter what the detention was XD.

Mh, but given my situation I should practice the "ten points from Gryffindor" more than the muggle thing...

Víctor dijo...

Yeah I think you should say that, It fits perfect for you "Snape-crazy-fan-girl" xD

Orion dijo...

Why thankyou I will let you know when I do it.