domingo, agosto 28, 2011

Day 1 - How did you find Fire Emblem?
I was actually just looking at some gorgeous art we found in the Internets, and realized that all the good epic fantasy characters that were well drawn came from the same series. Also, there was Pent. I do not even know how did we came across them, but I am proud to say that Smash Bros was not the cause, the GC game came later than the artworks to our life

Day 2 - Favorite Pairing
... eh... ah..... No, my pairings have nothing to do with reality whatsoever, and if I say Pent/Lucius you will make fun of me saying they do not even have support conversations (which is sadly true). So... well, I would have to say Clarine/Rugter, because they are so funny together I love them. And Tibarn/Reyson because it is CANON and if someone wants to argue that I would recomend them to hear the conversation Tibarn and Ike have in certain bridge full of traps in game 10.

Day 3 - What incarnation of the Fire Emblem is your favorite, and what would you do with it?
Prf, I do not think I would like to have the Fire Emblem on me, given the disasters they lead to. Also, most of the time the Fire Emblem does nothing at all, I prefer it as it is, an intangible legend.

Day 4 - Favorite Character
That is a very unfair question. Should I say Lucius, Pent, Reyson, L'Arachel and Rugter? In no particular order...

Day 5 - Favorite Lord
Hector and Lyn. I do not like lords, they are always a pain in the ass, but these two are pretty cool and their fighting style so different from the rest of the lords

Day 6 - How many FE’s do you have / have you played?
Let me count. 6, 7, 8, 10. However, I have started 4 and I could count 9 as if I went trhough it even though it was done between quite a lot of people

Day 7 - Favorite Game in the Series
SEVEN. 7. VII. Blazing Sword.

Day 8 - Hardest Last Boss Battle
I.. cannot remember properly, but I am sure it had to be the 6th, the whole game was pretty difficult to me.

Day 9 - Least Favorite Level
The dessert level in the Sared Stones (8th) game was A PAIN, you got two groups of people, one of them composed of 3 people you have never seen before. That is just annoying, even though the level was not so difficult.
And, in the 6th game, when you get Klein in the bottom, and the pegasus up, and you have to get Echidna and avoid losing villages while leveling Ellen is one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

Day 10 - Something you want to change in any of the games
Yes, the free experience in 9 and 10 takes half of the strategy of the game (same with the freaking towers in 8th, but then again, 8th is the easiest game.

Day 11 - Favorite Level
Mh, Not quite sure of this, but I kinda liked the boat fights in the 8th, even with the fog.

Day 12 - Favorite Class
Sage/Bishop. And Heros, and Swordmasters... and Generals. Lets just say I like most of them

Day 13 - Which character do you relate with the most, and why?
Eh??. I do not... THE TACTICIAN, (you did not see that coming, I am sure)

Day 14 - Best designed character or artwork

Day 15 - Favorite Villain
Black Knight I suppose?, even though that story is completely wrong and full of "why would you do that"s

Day 16 - Least Favorite Character
Probably Ninian, but the kids duo come very close, Ephraim and Eirika are both completely horrible characters (Ephraim even a bit more than his sister)

Day 17 - Which stat is your favorite?
Luck, Def and Res

Day 18 - Best Storyline
6&7, no doubt.

Day 19 - Favorite Weapon
AIRCALIBUR. You se dragons fall to the ground in a hit from this, and still powerful to ground units

Day 20 - Prettiest Cutscene
The fight in 10, Tibarn turning into an eagle made me drool all over the controller

Day 21 - Which Country would You Live In?
I would like Ostia.

Day 22 - Something Silly
Keep missing when having a 96% hit. Happens to me far more often than it should

Day 23 - Something Epic
killing edges givin a higher percentage of critical than normal hit? (wait, should not that be in "silly" instead of "epic"?)

Day 24 - Favorite Sacred Weapon
Aureola, I suppose, if we take in account ALL of the sacred/divine/special/supercool weapons

Day 25 - Favorite archetype. (Jeigan, Nabarl, Ougma, Cain/Abel…)
NABARL, why would you even ask that. No wait, Jeigan is too funny to miss.

Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go ‘awww’
Remember the one in the bridge with Ike and Tibarn?, that one XDD

Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go ‘RAEGQUIT’
This did not happen to me, but we lost a whole hour of gameplay because Mist was in level 1 when suddenly she had to be present in certain fight (We did not like her.. and I still don't). Someone reseted the console in that moment even though we tried to prevent it. It was frustrating, but not enough to restart the battle!.

Day 28 - What should the next FE be like, if you designed it?
I would come again to the 6&7 world and make children and parents fight together. Because that is what epicness is made of.

Day 29 - Favorite OST/Song/Remix
Serenes forest song will never ever end giving me chills up the spine, Reyson voice is too awesome for words.

Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Fire Emblem
Eh.. everything? well designed characters, beutiful artwork, women being awesome units (we are talking about Japan here, thankyou), also female armor finally gotten RIGHT, original gameplay system, interesting battles with heavy thinking involved XD

martes, agosto 23, 2011

I think I should start with some travel advice, or tourist guide to Perth.

Today we start with MUSEUMS!

Next to the Perth Underground train station there are two of them, very close one to another, and the zone they are in is also beautiful and worth to take a while to see. (Specially the wetlands next to the art gallery), but lets start with it:
- Western Australia Museum
Not big, and very traditional museum, with a lot of animals and bones, couple of dinosaur models and an aboriginal exhibition that made me sick, but apart from that, the museum is well cared and nice for spending one hour or so.
- Art Museum.
I did not expect a lot from this, given that the farther they go back in history is 1860, and most of the stuff is this new thing they like to call art but is just a line in a paper. That is why it was a pleasant surprise to find two Rodins inside, and beautiful ones too. Also, some etchings from Goya (this was clearly the biggest surprise here), and some very beutiful aboriginal painting mixed up with the horrible modern art that was everywhere. Still it is worth coming and see the nice stuff.

Both museums work in a donations basis, you do not have to pay to enter, exactly the same as the British Museum in London, which is very nice of them.

jueves, agosto 18, 2011

Oh the AWESOME Campus Race was so cool I am still wondering if I can do something like that back in my Uni. we had to carry water in plastic cups that had holes the size of a chestnut, untie an human rope, did origami, ran all over the place, compose and sing a song, made a pyramid and a play of the Lion King in 2 minutes. (the play, not the whole race)
I have not had such a fun in ages, and we made it first! (well, 3rds, because we got distracted by the food when we were going to win). This Tuesday we will even get a prize!.
Today, however, it has been a little bit more boring, we went to see the AFL in a bar, and that was not as exciting as it might sound, but to make up for that, I lured some more people into going to Uluru, which is my goal after all.

And it is not over just yet, we have a dinner, and some trip to a wildlife park near here. Then it is Open Day and the week after the 4 kms race in which I am going to fail so hard it will hurt the remnants of pride I might have left... but hey, I get a T-shirt.

sábado, agosto 13, 2011

Pimp my rid... Bike

I finally got a bike. After 2 weeks of buses and spending money in the bus tickets (Kappa) like they were made of gold (/Kappa), I finally got someone who answered my pleas in Gumtree (well, in fact, I was only asking the size of the bikes). Problem came when I saw the bike, B, who was with me, inmediately said "no" to the bike and we left the place. She told me she would take me to some store. The prices were high as the Burj Dubai, so we left to head for the Kmart. Surprisingly enough, there was an already built bike that had been turned back to the shop for unknown reasons and costed 30 dollars less than the original price.
I could not believe my luck, and I still cannot, I like the color, the size is a bit small but good for riding and the gears go up with a button, how cool is that?.

Oh, and this is my bike:

lunes, agosto 08, 2011

The End.

This damned series have come to an end, and I was so devastated after going to the cinema that began to wonder if it was worth it. Long years have passed since the insistence of a friend made me start reading them. I was 15 years old, the 4th book was new and you could only find it in english yet. I was reluctant because the ubicuous "Wizard and Witch" stuff was all over the place (and I hate witch as a female version of wizard, which is NOT, at least, not nowadays) and the channeling of magic with a wand seemed lame to me.
However, I read them. And they really have defined an era, not because of their quality, but because the fans made it so. We did fanfics, fanarts, disscussed the future of the books and argued about what was going to happen, ended up having better endings for the series than the author and had fun dilucidating who R.A.B. was (well, that was pretty easy, now I come to think of it). We also protected Severus from those who did not get what was happening all along the 3 last books ¬¬.
Because, I will forever think this book is not about the kids, Severus Snape stole it halfway trought the books. And my opinion is NOT biased XD.

This has been fun to read... but it was more fun to ramble about it, and I will miss the discussions and the strenght of the fandom.

miércoles, agosto 03, 2011

This was clearly one of the events I was looking forward with more interest, celebrating two Christmas is clearly one of the best ideas these people have had.
And I even got someone to pick me up at my door, such nice people.
I tried to do crepes for the event, and I actually did not fuck it up. The meeting was okay, the secret santa was horrible, but the food was the best. And I got to meet people and that is what counts, everyone told me to call them if I needed something, giving advice, and i appreciated it a lot. Besides that, much talking and no games, but there is no helping that...