jueves, julio 28, 2011

In other news, I am starting to think that the reason because I feel this uneasyness is due to the fact that I know I will never settle, I will never be able to say: "that is it, I do not need help from anybody to do what I want to", because in six months you cannot even think of buying a car, and life seems to be united to some kind of motorized vehicle (that and a GPS or a very good map). Everything is so far apart and public transport is such a mess that it takes hours to get anywhere. You want to go to the cinema?, you go to the shopping mall which is in the middle of nowhere. You want to shop?, same thing, You want to go to somebody's place?, pick the car, you want to have a life?...

I clearly came to Aurora and want to get back to the City. Ah, wait, I did not even come to Aurora, where are my servants?.

[EDITED several weeks later]. I actually.. do not mind that much anymore, I am regarded with high steem when I tell people I go places in a bike, nad you well know I am all about social acceptance

2 comentarios:

Elendor dijo...

I'm happy the bike has helped you to have a less frustrating life there ^^

And a question about the post before this: Did someone in Australia ask you about the winter cap too? Or were you referring to the person who stopped you in Salamanca?
In any case, that cap is fucking epic xD

Orion dijo...

No, someone in Australia actually stopped me and asked me about it, and if I had gotten it from Peru.

Thanks for your comment in my .. I actually think it is not a cap, but I cannot come with a more appropiate word, so let's just stick with that