miércoles, julio 13, 2011

Belly Delhi

We went to the movies a couple of days ago. The shopping mall had one of those Christmas in July going on, which I do love, because there is always a reason to celebrate stuff and make a party.
But back to the movie itself, I found it great, funny, and well done. It is a pity Bollywood movies stopped being lame, because the ones with people dancing all about were soooo epic and cool I will miss them a lot, even though this one had a bit of dancing too.
About the topic, as Hansi said, and he keeps being right about things for some reason I cannot really grasp, it is like Tarantino made in India. The description is spot on, believe me.. and go and see it because you have to. Well, better download it, I do not think they will air that movie in Spain, or Europe, for that matter.

6 comentarios:

Víctor dijo...


Orion dijo...


Víctor dijo...


Orion dijo...

buuh, el anime moooolaaaa

Víctor dijo...

Ostia, a saber en qué estaba pensando que puse el kanji de beber xD en vez ver.

Orion dijo...

Y yo que estaba siendo educada al no señalarte el error... XD