jueves, noviembre 06, 2014

Yes, yes, I know I have completely abandoned the blog. I should have started posting somewhat earlier, but last month has been pretty busy (well that is an underestimation).
First of all, I want to stress as much as possible the NECCESSITY of renting an apartment from a reliable source (NOT Craiglist) as soon as possible before arriving the country. Then, you can start looking for accomodation. And it is going to take you a while.
Looks like Los Angeles is some sort of phenomenon in where the demand for housing is several times bigger than the offer, University Housing cannot cope with all the incoming students (yes, very well organized) and everything is booked for months in advance.

Exciting, isn't it.

Well, after looking for two weeks, I finally found a place, but in fact, my problems were still far from gone. Taxpayer registration, Buying furniture for the room (no, they never come furnished, why XD), getting a bike, obtaining a Social Seurity number, register at the consulate....
A driver's license.
(To be continued with the horrible expierence I will, for sure, have when getting the license)

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