miércoles, octubre 13, 2004

[ Sonando: Akeboshi - Wind ]

Hoy, Tests

Take the quiz: "Which Element do you align with?"

You are a being of Air. You bank on your intuition and intelligence to solve problems. You are inspired and moved by the arts, especially music. Hermes and Aurora watch over you.

Oh, aire, como de costumbre, seguida por la tierra y el fuego, tambien como de costumbre. No me importa, el aire me gusta ^^, siempre he preferido el fuego, pero el aire sube posiciones XD

Take the quiz: "Which Matrix Character Are You?"

You're Neo. Quiet, mysterious, and somewhat shy. You're a master in all martial arts, no one can beat you up. You're not sure what your purpose in life is, but you might be surprised in the near future...

PROMETO k no lo he hecho a posta, es mas, yo creia k me iba a salir Morfeo!! O_o de todas formas, bienvenido sea ^^

Take the quiz: "Which Slayers Try Character are you?"

Xelloss Metallium
You are the general/priest to a demon lord. You should be happy you have a lot of power (an dyou're my fav character!) You're very secretive and a bit of a tease.

Bueno, esta era demasiado evidente.

¿Y tú?
Más test en test!ng:f!le

El ultimo ya... bueno, no mucho ke decir de este.

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