Bueno, como no hay gran cosa que contar.... aparte de lo inutiles que somos, k no hemos conseguido comprarle a Moony el regalo a tiempo...
Weno, el caso es k... TESTS!
You have a guardian angel no doubt about it. Even
though you haven't exactly seen him, he's
watching over you without-a-doubt.. who knows..
maybe it's love?
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you? (now w/ pics!)
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Bueno, asi que tengo un angel de la guarda? O_o... la verdad no entiendo como me ha salido esta, yo pensaba k me iba a salir el ser maligno ...
Haiiro seems to be forming somewhat of a crush on
you. Your attitude and sexiness are definitely
what sets him off.. he must like dominant
women.. ;D
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 2 (pics!)
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Ahhh, helo, en el segundo test ya me sale el vampiro chungo O_o (mola el test, es como una historieta XD)
Kirune-ra is definitely feeling you (not like
that!). You should try warming up to him!
Puppies are so cute! One thing is for sure.. he
thinks the same thing about you! ;D
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 3 (pics!)
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Jajajaj, y ahora voy a por el perro? (solo hay tres pjs... voy a hacer coleccion?)
When Haiiro looks at you, he sees prey. Don't think
of it as a bad thing, he looks at everyone he's
attracted to as that. Most importantly, he sees
you as his main target in life, that he will
try hard to hunt down.. hmm.. he sounds like a
stalker. Aw, young love. ;P
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 4 (pics!)
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Vaya, voy a acabar con el pugnetero vampiro... O_o
Haiiro is hating being apart from you. It's driving
him to insanity! What is it about you?! Haiiro
likes 'em feisty! Oh yeah, one more thing, he's
in this room right now.. *shifty eyes..
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 5 (new pics!)
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Otra vez el demonio? me estoy alejando de mi habitual neutralidad...
Kirune-ra.. half man.. half dog.. or something..
whatever he is, he will always be there by your
side faithfully. Aww! Good puppy! *Throws doggy
treat.. ;P
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 6 (new pics!)
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Joe, el angel parece imposible de sacar! O_o (weno, por ahora me va tocando el perro XD)
Although you give a lot of attitude to others, you
warm up the most to Haiiro. Or your heart is
anyway. Haiiro is completely aware of your
affection, and would like to return it.. if ya'
know what I mean *wink nudge nudge ;D
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 7 (pics!)
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Es k es imposible sacar al angel a no ser k estes continuamente sonrojada y serr imbecil lo acabo de descubrir... (espero k sake mas tests de estoooossss ^^)
[ EDIT ]
Kiero poner todos los test de esta en el mismo post... lamentablemente la historia se esta volviendo realmente pastelosa y ya no me gusta tanto, pero... bueno, hay k acabar lo k se empieza, no?
Ih'kuaren can see everything that lies in your
heart. What he sees is something he wants to.
You love him.. you truly do. ;)
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 8 (pics!)
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Hombre, ya tocabaaaa XD
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